Bare Root Plants -- Available Spring Only
Phone: 630.513.5105
Bare Root Nursery Liners and Seedlings, Tree and Shrub
We only ship in wholesale quantities ONLY. Please read all terms and conditions and please do not call and request deviation from the stated terms. We never sell individual trees or shrubs. Always sold in bundles. Commercial Accounts Only - Minium Order is $1200 plus packing and shipping which will run about 18%
We confirm based on best available sourcing. This is a price sheet that offers what we have FOB the nursery. Shipping will be calculated as needed. See Terms and conditions posted below before placing orders. The guarantee is that the plants will be alive when you get them and that they will be true to species as shipped. WE make no guarantee regarding survival after you received them. Freight minimum is 18% of total order. Plants are sold in bundles according to size. No bundles are broken.
Payment is due upon ordering. If canceled, there will be a partial or total chargeback. WE can't sell them if they are reinventoried too late.
Live Stake Availability
In many conservation plantings,instead of bare root, In many conservation plantings they use live stakes instead of bare root, These are stakes that root easily, inserted into the ground to hold riverbanks and wetlands. Here is a useful article on this procedure
Button Bush 

Cephalanthus occidentalis
Silky Dogwood Cornus amomum
Red Twig Dogwood 
Cornus stolonifera

Physocarpos opulifolius
American Sycamore 
Plantanus occidentalis

Populus deltoids
Elderberry Sambucus canadensis
Sandbar Willow, Black Willow,
Pussy Willow, Peachleaf Willow,
Bebbs Willow,
Live stakes (3/8 - 3/4” caliper)
50-299 300+
2' $3.10 $2.90
3’ $4.10 $3.90
4’ $5.10
Sizes and caliper above 4' we must quote you. They are harder to find.
Call for Quote if Uncertain
Price PER per plant species
Our prices on the available Stock
is on this website.
Terms and Conditions
Things to KNOW, please read it will help us all avoid heartbreak, misunderstandings and answering a lot of questions later.
Shipments are made in fall from Mid November till Christmas. Then Right after New Years. This is only for that stock already harvested and in the cooler. They are shipped from up North.
For spring dug material shipping begins early February and stops when the coolers are shut off about the first week of June.
Sales subject to availability. Since all of this inventory comes from different nursery sources that we ship from, every effort will be made to accommodate you by trying to source all of your order from one nursery.
That is not always possible. It may mean if you really require it, we would have extra charges or not provide the material. If your order is a few of these and a few of those, It is more likely.
Payment is in advance unless you are an existing customer. We take credit card, check and Paypal.
We quote larger orders (over $5000) so email or fax your wishlist and we will give you a price.
Common Name
Arborvitae, American
Cedar, Eastern Red
Cedar, Eastern Red
Fir, Concolor
Pine, Eastern White
Pine, Jack
Spruce, Black Hills
Spruce, Black Hills
Spruce, Colorado
Latin Name
Thuja occidentalis 'Techny"
Juniperus virginiana
Juniperus virginiana
Abies concolor
Pinus strobus
Pinus banksiana
Picea Glauca var. densata
Picea Glauca var. densata
Picea Pungens
Larix Laricina
TR 2-3
TR 1-2
TR 2-2
TR P-1
TR 2-2
S 2-0
TR 2-2
TR 2-3
TR 2-2
S 2-0
# of Plants in each
Byron Native Nursery, LLC
There are several other evergreen conifers avaiable, the list changes fast. Best to call.
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Maple, Silver
Acer saccharinum
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
4' - 5'
5' - 6'
6' - 8'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Maple Sugar
Acer saccharum
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Maple, Tatarian
Acer tataricum
Buckeye, Ohio
Aesculus Glabra
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Serviceberry, (Juneberry)
Amelanchier alnifolia
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Indigo, False
Amorpha fruiticosa
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Chokeberry, Black
Aronia melanocarpa
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Chokeberry, Black
Aronia Melanocarpa 'McKenzie'
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Birch, Paper
Betula papyrifera
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Birch, Whitespire
Betula Populifolia "Whitespire"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Caragana arborescens
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Catalpa, Northern
Catalpa speciosa
Hackberry, Northern
Celtis occidentalis
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Hackberry, Oahe
Celtis occidentalis 'Oahe'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Redbud, Eastern
Cercis canadensis
Dogwood, Silky
Cornus amomum
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Dogwood, Gray
Cornus racemosa
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Dogwood, Redosier
Cornus sericea
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
Hazelnut, American
Corylus americana
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Hawthorn, Roundleaf
Crataegus lumaria
Hawthorn, Downy
Crataegus mollis
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
IHawthorn, 'Homestead'Arnold
Crataegus mollis arnoldiana
18" - 24' each in bundles of 25
2'-3' each in bundles of 25
Olive, Russian
Elaeagnus angustifolia
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Elaeagnus commutata
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Honeylocust, Thornless
Gleditsia triacanthos inermis
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Gymnocladus dioicus
Hippophae rhamnoides
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Walnut, Black
Juglans nigra
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Honeysuckle, Freedom
Lonicera 'Freedom'
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Honeysuckle, Arnold's Red
Lonicera tartarica Arnolds Red
Honeysuckle, Hawkeye
Lonicera tatarica 'Hawkeye
Crabapple, Siberian
Malus baccata
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Crabapple, Midwest
Malus Baccata var.Mandshurica
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Apple, Prairie Yellow
Malus pumila
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Crabapple, Red Splendor
Malus 'Red Splendor'
8" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Crabapple, Dolgo
Malus x 'Dolgo'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Ninebark, Common
Physocarpus opulifolius
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Cottonwood, Silver
Populus alba
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Poplar, White
Populus alba
Cottonwood, Native
Populus deltoides
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
4' - 5'
5' - 6'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Cottonwood, Male
Populus deltoides
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
4' - 5'
5' - 6'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Poplar, Norway, Siouxland
Populus deltoides
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
4' - 5'
5' - 6'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Poplar, Lombardy,
Populus nigra 'italica'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Poplar, Lombardy, Thevestina
Populus nigra thevestina
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
4' - 5'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Aspen, Quaking
Populus tremuloides
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Cottonwood, Black
Populus trichocarpa
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Poplars, Prairie Sky
Populus x euramericana 'Prairie Sky'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Cottonwood, Siouxland
Populus x 'Siouxland'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Plum, American
Prunus americana
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Plum, Prairie Red
Prunus americana 'prairie red'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Apricot Manchurian Hardy
Prunus armeniaca var. mandshurica
Cherry, Sand
Prunus besseyi
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Cherry, Black
Prunus serotina
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Cherry, Nanking
Prunus tomentosa
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Chokecherry, Common
Prunus virginiana
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Cherry, Canada Red
Prunus virginiana 'Canada Red'
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Chokecherry, Schubert
Prunus virginiana Schubertii
6" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Oak, Swamp White
Quercus bicolor
9" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Oak, Bur
Quercus macrocarpa
6" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Oak, Pin
Quercus palustris
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Oak, Red (Northern)
Quercus rubra
9" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Sumac, Aromatic
Rhus aromatica
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
$2.30 each in bundles of 25
$3.20 each in bundles of 10
Sumac, Skunkbush
Rhus trilobata
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Sumac, Staghorn or Smooth Sumac
Rhus typhina or Rhus glabra
Currant, Black
Ribes americanum
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Currant, Golden
Ribes odoratum
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Rose, Hansen Hedge Or Woods Rose
Rosa x 'Hansens'
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Hackberry, Prairie Harvest
Celtis occidentalis 'Prairie Harvest'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Oak, Swamp White
Quercus bicolor
9" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Oak, Bur
Quercus macrocarpa
6" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Oak, Pin
Quercus palustris
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
$2.30 each in bundles of 25
Oak, Red (Northern)
Quercus rubra
9" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Sumac, Aromatic
Rhus aromatica
$ each in bundles of 25
$ each in bundles of 25
$ each in bundles of 25
$ each in bundles of 10
Sumac, Skunkbush
Rhus trilobata
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Sumac, Staghorn or Smooth Sumac
Rhus typhina or Rhus glabra
Currant, Black
Ribes americanum
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Currant, Golden
Ribes odoratum
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Rose, Hansen Hedge
Rosa x 'Hansens'
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Sharpleaf
Salix acutifolia
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Golden 'Weeping'*
Salix alba 'Tristis'.
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Salix alba vitellina
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Peach Leaf
Salix amygdaloides
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Sandbar
Salix exigua
Willow, Flame*
Salix flame
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Sandbar
Salix interior / exugia
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Sandbar 'Silver Sands'*
Salix interior Silver Sands
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Willow, Hybrid
Salix matsudana/alba
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Laurel Leaf
Salix pentandra
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Willow, Laurel Leaf
Salix pentandra
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Willow, Prairie Cascade*
Salix pentaphyllum 'Prairie Cascade'
Willow, Blue Artic
Salix purpurea
Sambucus Canadensis
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Shepherdia argentea
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Lilac, Pekin
Syringa Pekinensis
Lilac, Common Purple
Syringa vulgaris
9" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Lilac, White
Syringa vulgaris
Lilac, Chinese
Syringa x chinensis
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
2' - 3' TR
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Lilac, Persian
Syringa x persica
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
2' - 3' TR
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Linden, American
Tilia americana
6" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
4' - 5'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
each in bundles of 10
Linden, Little Leaf
Tilia cordata
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Elm, American
Ulmus americana
Elm, American 'Princeton'
Ulmus americana 'Princeton'
6" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
3' - 4'
4' - 5'
5' - 6'
6' - 8'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 5
each in bundles of 5
each in bundles of 5
each in bundles of 5
each in bundles of 5
each in bundles of 5
Viburnum dentatum
6" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Viburnum lentago
6" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Cranberry Bush American
Viburnum trilobum
6" - 12"
12" - 18"
18" - 24"
2' - 3'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 10
Grape, Sweet Green Fruit
Vitis spp
Grape, Riverbank
Vitis spp
Parthenocissus inserta
Arborvitae, American
Thuja occidentalis 'Techny"
Cedar, Eastern Red
Juniperus virginiana
each in bundles of 50
each in bundles of 50
Fir, Concolor
Abies concolor
Pine, Eastern White
Pinus strobus
Pine, Jack
Pinus banksiana
Spruce, Black Hills
Picea Glauca var. densata
each in bundles of 50
each in bundles of 50
Spruce, Colorado
Picea Pungens
Buffaloberry, Sakakawea
Shepherdia argentea 'sakakawea'
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
each in bundles of 25
Bebbs Willow, Diamond Willow
Salix bebbiana